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SVN Installation (on Unix/Linux)

  1. Prerequisites Installing
    1. autoconf
    2. libtool
    3. a reasonable C compiler (gcc, Visual Studio, etc.
    4. libapr
    5. libapr-util
    6. libz
    7. libserf
    8. OpenSSL

    Install above prerequisites properly if your system missing any of the above list. If you have tarbal file(XXXX.tar.gz) install as

    $ tar xzvf XXXX.tar.gz

    $ cd XXXX

    $ ./configure

    $ make

      $ make install

Otherwise if you have rpm(YYYY.rpm) for the above listed prerequisites, install them by the command

    $ rpm –i YYYY.rpm


  1. SVN Installing

    Down load SVN tarball file from


    $ tar xzvf subversion-1.x.x.tar.gz

    $ cd subversion-1.x.x

    $ ./autogen

    $ ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr

    $ make

    $ make install