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Java by Example: Exception handling – throw custom Exception

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Exception indicates illegal operation. So for your program you can define an operation as illegal. Say in your login program you allow maxim 3 times retry with wrong user/password. Then you can define your exception for attempt to login for more than thrice. And if this case occurs you can throw your exception.

Here is an example of throw custom exception to check if a number is a Fibonacci number or not. When a non Fibonacci number found exception 'Invalid fibonacci number' will be thrown..

Here is the example . .

class ExceptionExp4 {

void main(String args[]){

        ExceptionExp4 excpExp = new ExceptionExp4();



        }catch(Exception ce){




void tryCustomException() throws Exception{

        int fibs[]={1,2,3,5,8,10,13};

        for(int i=0;i<fibs.length;i++){


                System.out.println(fibs[i]+" - OK");


new Exception("Invalid fibonacci number "+fibs[i]);



boolean isFibs(int num){

        int f0 = 1;

        int f1 = 1;

        int fib = 1;




            fib = f0 + f1;

            f0 = f1;

            f1 = fib;






Fibonacci number series is

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 . . . .

So if you try to execute exception should occur when 10 is found..

Lets see the output of this program...

1 - OK

2 - OK

3 - OK

5 - OK

8 - OK

java.lang.Exception: Invalid fibonacci number 10




So in this way we can easily create our own exception with our own message as per our needs.