Java J2ME JSP J2EE Servlet Android

This post was published to Silicon Magic at 5:22:42 PM 3/28/2009

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  1. Create repository

    Create a svn repository by the command

    $ svnadmin create /usr/svn/svnroot


  1. Edit for authentication

    Edit [general] section of svnroot/conf/svnserve.conf file as


    anon-access = write


    This will allow anonymous user to checkout and commit svn server. To restrict access to user do the following

    1. Edit the [general] section of svnserve.conf as


      anon-access = none

      auth-access = write

      authz-db = authz

      password-db = passwd

    2. Edit the [/] section of authz file as


      user1 = rw

      user2 = r

      * =

          c. Edit the [user] section of passwd file as


     user1 = pass1

              user2 = pass2


  1. Start SVN repository

    Start/Initiate repository by the following command

    $ svnserve -d -r /usr/svn/svnroot